Are You Ready For Full Scale War With Russia?

Are You Ready For Full Scale War With Russia?

If you listen to the phone call that was capture between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt you will come to realize how dangerous the people behind scenes have become. Back in the mid 1950’s, then, President Eisenhower warned us about these very, very evil people becoming a problem. He nailed it.

Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt and John Kerry are the reason Ukraine was invaded in the early / mid 2010’s, the reason Hunter Biden made millions upon millions in corrupt funds flowing out of Ukraine and the reason we are about to go to war with Russia – it is at the feet of these three, along with a variety of other neocon, warmongering satanic-globalist.

If you listen to the phone call that was captured between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt you will come to realize how dangerous the people behind scenes have become. Back in the mid 1950’s, then President Eisenhower warned us about these very, very evil people becoming a problem. He nailed it.

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If you’re not familiar, or it’s been a minute since you heard his speech, here it is in full.

Were you aware that Victoria – “F’ the EU” – Nuland was still making foreign policy decisions? She is a hold over from the Obama admin and she is a total train wreck, evil beyond belief and one of those people you rarely hear about that wields enormous power over policies and actions coming out of the White House. She should be stopped before she begins another destructive line of nonsense that will get many more people killed. She is a war criminal of the highest order and should be treated as such. Not only is she a war criminal but the people she reported to, from Kerry to Obama, should be charged with war crimes as well. She is a vile person that did not act, or speak, in a vacuum – the people she reported to knew what was happening and what was being said. She just happened to let her guard down for one minute and thirty-three seconds. Now the world knows exactly what happened in Ukraine – especially, then and now, Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

Here is the audio of the captured conversation, in 2014, between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt planning the next puppet to be placed in the highest office in Ukraine… It’s an incredible moment of history that will be seen in the proper light by future historians.

Tucker Carlson brings all of this light in up-to-the-minute analysis of what has happened, what is happening and the potential for something to go sideways – you know, full scale war. He, unlike his peers, sees this as the threat that it truly is. Mr. Carlson, once again, proves why he is one of the most important voices on TV today. He is the only person discussing this issue and bringing forth the potential of what is brewing just below the surface.

Opening / Short version

The remainder of the show is very, very good as well. Tucker discusses men participating in women’s sports with one of the foremost authorities on the subject and then delivers a bit of comic relief with an update to the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Long version

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